Probabilistic design tool presented on DeepWind 2017
Monday February 13, 2017 14:11
Probabilistic design tool presented on DeepWind 2017
During the EERA DeepWind'2017 from 18-20 January 2017 in Trondheim, Norway, ECN presented a poster about the work done in work package 3. The presented work investigates where cost reductions in the support structure are possible while keeping a sound and safe design.A probabilistic design tool is presented, which involves a coupling between reliability analysis and wind turbine simulation tools.A proof of principle of the proposed tool is given in a case study considering a 4 MW reference wind turbine and a limited lumped load set. The assumptions made in this case study are presented and the results show the reliability index is higher than recommended by DNV. The main contributors to the variance of the fatigue limit state function are the Miner’s rule uncertainty and log(C2) parameter in the SN-curve.